Saturday, October 4, 2008

The look that says, "You disgust me."

At least, that's what I think of when his upper lip gets stuck on his teeth like that. Sometimes it's weird to think of me as a "dog owner." I don't compare myself to the nutters in "Best in Show" by any means, and nor do I talk of my dog like he's my child. I do feel protective of him though, and I do think he has a personality. Here, for instance, he's saying, "Now why aren't you down here playing with me? Pah! Do you honestly think I enjoy mutilating hand-knit wool socks by myself?"

Yes, Graham, yes I do.

It's a bit of a trip to look at pictures of him from the summer and see how much he's grown. Not taller, but more in the girth department. He's not a chunky dog, by any means, but he's a far cry now from the lean puppy who chewed an entire t-bone into submission (and when I say t-bone, I don't mean I gave him a steak--I mean he actually ate a bone) in Chuck and Ginger's backyard this past summer.

Today he's nine months old and looking more like a grown-up. Sometimes I think having a dog isn't worth the effort. But then he does something completely goofy, and it's almost worth it. He's certainly no picnic though.

On an unrelated note, it's a shame I'm spending my last free weekend holed up in my room with a headache and sore shins watching "Doctor Who: Confidential." I take that back. Seeing Ood break-dancing is a joy forever.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Mooses! Meeses! I want my moose to lay golden eggs for Easter!

Time for more updates! We've had a bit of snow on the mountains--none on the ground yet, but it's forecast that we may be getting some on Friday. I'm excited, but I was goofy and left my snow boots in Texas. Anyway, here's a picture of Pioneer Peak from our backyard covered in snow.

Aaaand here are some flowers on the back deck. Larkspur, to be exact. I love these.

Also, I finally finished my sampler about a week ago. Since then, I've started on one of the same pattern but different colors for my mom. I really enjoy needlework, and have been ever since I picked it up January of this year. I'm also getting better, which is exciting, and as if this project weren't ambitious enough, I'm already thinking about designing my own stuff and creating away.

Aside from my crafting endeavors, I've recently been promoted at work. The store opens next week, and I've been there for a little over a month. Yesterday I was offered a supervisor position in the Jewelry department (I was in photo) after having interviewed for it last Wednesday. There's a lot for me to learn in a very short time, but the fact that I got promoted so quickly and they had me training cashiers for over a week after just barely going through the training myself makes it pretty clear that they're confident in my abilities.

I don't, however, think the photo supervisor is too happy. At first I thought it was just because he was losing me, but now I think it's a little bit of resentment as well. I now have the same position he does (different dept), and he's more than twice my age. I won't let his attitude toward me affect my work though, and I'm determined to set an example and remain above petty jealousies.

As if I don't have enough to do, I'm auditioning for "The Spitfire Grill" next Saturday. I figure, sure, I'll be busy if I get a part, but now's the time to do it, since I'm only taking one class. I more than likely won't have an opportunity to act next semester.

Anyway! I'm going to bum around in my bed, cross-stitch, and watch "Iron Man." Oooohhh what an exciting life I lead!

***OH! I almost forgot! I saw three moose just outside our front yard a few nights ago. One of the calves tried to go for our maple tree, but luckily Jim got some chicken wire around it, so the young moose fledgling's efforts were foiled! I have a video, but I sound like an idiot, so I'd rather not make that available to anyone and everyone. If, however, you'd like to see it, feel free to email me, and I'll send it to you. :]