Sunday, May 18, 2008

Buffalo stew and spider bites.

Yesterday I got off work at two, talked to the leasing office with Jon about re-signing a 14-month lease at our apartment (they'll give us June and July rent-free), and then went home to clean up/organize a bit.

It was kind of a heated subject a few days ago when we were talking about possibly moving. I've been looking at new apartments on my days off for several weeks now, and it's been fairly stressful, because I haven't found anything decent and in our price range. It's either decent and too expensive, or nasty and cheap--neither of which I'm aiming for. Plus our current complex supplies our washer and dryer, which is wonderful.

After my fruitless searching, I came to the conclusion that it'd be in our best interests to stay at our complex, but I wanted to move into a different unit. It'd be the same layout, but instead of having a patio, we'd have a sunroom. This would be ideal, because then I'd have a workspace for my crafts that wasn't on the round and slick dining room table. If you've even sewn long seams on big pieces of fabrics, you'll know that if there's a round edge, your seam is not going to be straight.

Jon was not too keen on moving. He said that if we were going to move, it'd only be worth it if it were a different complex. Yeah, okay, I get that, but I need my space, damnit. He's got all his computer crap in our office, and there's hardly room to breath in there, let alone sew. Anyway...I think he didn't realize how important it was to me. So he figured that if we moved our bed that I could fit a large craft desk in our bedroom and have all my sewing stuff in there. No more clutter in the dining room! I'm okay with that compromise. I wasn't too excited about moving, myself.

Last night, Chuck and Ginger came over and I made Buffalo Stew from a recipe I got at Market Street. You'll be glad to know that no buffalos where harmed in the making of this stew--I used cow instead. It was pretty dang awesome, if I do say so myself.

In other news... My knee randomly started itching and burning today. I lifted up my pant-leg and my knee, and then half-way down my leg were flaming red and swollen. I'm pretty sure it's a spider bite. Awesome.


Delaina Marie said...

So from what I hear you are known for spider bites...yuck I would probably freak if I got bit by a spider I hate those nasty little bugs probably one of my biggest fears even daddy longs legs. And seeing how you used cow instead of buffalo wouldn't that make it beef stew instead of buffalo stew...

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