Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Yesterday morning was rough. I woke to the acrid smell of poo and ammonia. Graham had had an accident in his crate (his first). I know he was sick--he wouldn't have done that otherwise. He also must have been up most of the night in bowel-agony, because it was obvious he was tired.

As I was cleaning him off at 6:30 in the morning in the tub, I noticed his left eye was squinted shut and he had green goo coming out of it. I automatically thought poo = conjunctivits. So after calling up work and letting them know I'd be late, I stayed with Graham until I could call the vet at 9 am. In the meantime, I was looking up home-treatments for canine pink-eye with Graham sitting at my feet. Poor little thing--he already had one eye shut, and as he was sitting, his other eye would flutter closed, and his little body would leeeeean to the left. Then he'd jerk up, and a few seconds later start to nod off again. So while we waited till 9, Graham and I took a nap.

When I got up, Banfield didn't have any appointments until 3. I was only scheduled till 5 that day, and they had a 5 too, so I took that one, planning to leave work about an hour early. I was getting ready to head to work, and noticed little spots of smelly-brown-ness on the carpet and started cleaning it up. I thought I was all done until I headed to the door, and there was a nice big pile of mess there. Poor guy must have run to the door as soon as he got out of the tub and just couldn't hold it in anymore. I couldn't even be mad at him--it wasn't his fault.

Anyway, later at the vet, they discovered it was a corneal abrasion (put some orange goo on his eye and showed me under the blacklight). I got some ointment to keep his eye dialated, as well as some antibiotic drops. That visit cost me $87. Fun stuff. I'm glad it wasn't anything horribly serious though.

On the bright side, Jon surprised me with Death Cab for Cutie tickets for tonight, so I'm looking forward to that. :]


Suzanne said...

Dude! I can't believe that...Our dogs have been having the SAME problems. My sister's dog scratched her eye, and from that had an eye infection. She just got over that, and now both the dogs have diarrhea! Ugh...it's been horrible. What a mess! You feel so bad for them :(

Delaina Marie said...

You're so lucky you got to see Death Cab. I hope lil Graham is doing better!

The Dunton's said...

Hi Katie!
Sorry I couldn't see you off to Alaska but I hope you're already having a wonderful time. I've been catching up on blogs and sorry to say just read yours today. Your post about lack-of-marriage frustration reminded me of something that Matt Chandler said a few Sunday's ago - He said that there are a lot worse things that being lonely (or unmarried) like marrying the wrong man. He was talking about how we (as humans and a lot of times as girls) get caught up in the short term when God has a long term plan for our lives. For example... 3 years ago having a baby was certainly not in my 5 year plan. I was most concerned about getting a nice nonsmoking boyfriend that wasn't crazy and co-dependent. :) But God had way bigger plans for me. Just keep in mind that God has a big plan for you and if you'll be patient and seek Him out, before you know it you'll be there. Love you and hope you have a rockin' time in Alaska! Oh, and isn't is sunny all the time there right now?

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