At least, that's what I think of when his upper lip gets stuck on his teeth like that. Sometimes it's weird to think of me as a "dog owner." I don't compare myself to the nutters in "Best in Show" by any means, and nor do I talk of my dog like he's my child. I do feel protective of him though, and I do think he has a personality. Here, for instance, he's saying, "Now why aren't you down here playing with me? Pah! Do you honestly think I enjoy mutilating hand-knit wool socks by myself?"
Yes, Graham, yes I do.
Today he's nine months old and looking more like a grown-up. Sometimes I think having a dog isn't worth the effort. But then he does something completely goofy, and it's almost worth it. He's certainly no picnic though.
On an unrelated note, it's a shame I'm spending my last free weekend holed up in my room with a headache and sore shins watching "Doctor Who: Confidential." I take that back. Seeing Ood break-dancing is a joy forever.
Jon told me about the break-dancing. Awesome. I can't wait until Christmas for the next season!!! ... !!!!!!! Yeah, I'm pretty excited.
You should check out a show called Chuck. It's very funny. That's what Chuck and I are enjoying until the next Dr. Who. That and the office. Good fun.
this is a great blog full of great content
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