Monday, May 19, 2008


I think everything that has happened that has been blog-worthy has happened in the last several days, before I even started this thing.

Several weeks ago, Jon and I went with his sister, Lizzy, to Six Flags Over Texas as part of a work picnic-thingy for where Jon works. Our tickets were only five bucks, which is awesome, because I think they're normally around 45. At any rate, when we went to go eat at the picnic (some barely passable brisket and potato salad that had horseradish in it, which I hate--but that's beside the point), we sat down with a guy named Will who Jon knows from work. Will was there with his wife, and they were both pretty friendly and chatty. Conversation eventually led to Will mentioning he had a band, and then that he did all the instruments. I said, "Oh, so it's a one-man-band?" He said it was, and the only thing he was missing was a singer. Jon mentioned that I sang while I nodded with my mouth full. I swallowed and told Will I could do anything from Amy Lee to Gwen Stefani. He said, "I'm actually looking for a cross between those two."

Will said he'd keep in touch and let me know when a good time was to come over and listen to his music. We finally got to do that this past Friday (Jon was invited too). Will had me listen to the music (quite Evanescence-ey), and then he sang (and apologized for singing) while I followed along with the lyrics. Then we sang together, and then I did it by myself. As I got more confident with the song, I sounded better, and it's looking like I'll be singing and recording in a full-blown studio at least two of his songs.

Did I mention he's trying to get them into a few independent movies?

He said, "But don't get too excited--they has pretty low budgets. One's at 250,000, and the other's at a million. They thought they'd be getting 3 million, but it didn't work out."

Okay, I know that's not a lot of money by Hollywood standards, but I know of quite a few awesome, low-budget films (Napolean Dynamite, Little Miss Sunshine).

Who knows?


Delaina Marie said...

Congrats on the recording opportunity that's really exciting. I hope I get to hear it when it comes out.

Little Miss Sunshine is one of my favs!

The Dunton's said...

Hello! So I found your blog - the email that I check regularly is and my blog is

Anonymous said...

Katie -- that is so exciting! Who cares if it is low budget?
I wonder if when you are famous, people will see you and remember that video they have from the Sound of Music tour. Perhaps someday you will go to You Tube and see a young Katie singing, "I am sixteen...."

keratosis pilaris said...

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