Tuesday, May 20, 2008

"My favorite color...is light tan. My favorite animal...is poopies."

Dog updates: I've had Graham now for about 2 months. He's doing fairly well, but he's kind of a butt. We rarely have problems with potty stuff anymore. The last time he peed out of sheer exhaustion/excitement was about three weeks ago.
He does, however, have an issue with authority. He listens to me when we're alone, but not if Jon's there. And he listens to Jon if they're alone, but not if I'm around. He's totally playing us. Yesterday I caught him dragging his blanket from his crate all over the apartment. He looked guilty when I whipped out my camera, but not guilty enough to stop.

When we got him he was about 8 lbs, and now he's around 15. I'm hoping he won't get too much bigger, but he could hit as high as 25 lbs, though his body is built a bit more like a pug, which tends to be smaller than a beagle's (for those of you who don't know, he's a "puggle"--a beagle-pug mix). Both breeds tend to be overeaters though, so we're regulating his food intake so he doesn't become a wheezy fatty.

I guess I'm going to have to whip out those puppy training books I got months and months ago.


UberK said...

But fat animals are the cutest animals.

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